ArcGIS Enterprise Sites
Accessibility Status Report
Standard: WCAG 2.1 AA
Status Last Updated: 9 December 2022
Summary: ArcGIS Enterprise Sites currently has 25 issues affecting 10 criteria.
Sites Version: v 11.1
About Enterprise Sites: ArcGIS Enterprise Sites is a capability that allows you to create customized websites & webpages to feature content from your Enterprise Portal to non-technical users.
What is Covered: This report applies to both the ArcGIS Enterprise Site builder and the published output prior to customization.
Evaluation Method: ArcGIS Enterprise Sites performs automated accessibility testing via the aXe framework and manual testing. Manual testing includes keyboard testing with Tab/Shift+Tab/Enter/Space/Arrow-Keys for sighted keyboard users, NVDA and VoiceOver for non-sighted users, and color contrast spot checking.
Contact: If you have questions, email
Criterion | Name | Level | Version | In a Nutshell | Conformance | Remarks |
1.1.1 | Text Alternatives | A | WCAG 2.0 | All non-text content that is presented to the user has a text alternative that serves the equivalent purpose, except when decorative, hidden, a test, a CAPTCHA, or an input with a label. | Supports | Note: Not all screen-readers handle <title> field in SVG objects without additional aria. Note: Data item types have table as map alternative; web map item type needs to include summary via author to describe map. |
1.2.1 | Audio-Only and Video-Only (Prerecorded) | A | WCAG 2.0 | Provide an alternative text transcription. | Not Applicable |
1.2.2 | Captions (Prerecorded) | A | WCAG 2.0 | Video must contain subtitles. | Not Applicable |
Video URLs embedded in video card need to be captioned on host platform. |
1.2.3 | Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded) | A | WCAG 2.0 | Audio/Video must be captioned. | Not Applicable |
1.2.4 | Captions (Live) | AA | WCAG 2.0 | Captions are provided for all live-audio content in synchronized media. | Not Applicable |
1.2.5 | Audio Description (Prerecorded) | AA | WCAG 2.0 | Captions are provided for all live-audio content in synchronized media. | Not Applicable |
1.3.1 | Info and Relationships | A | WCAG 2.0 | Content relationships and page structure can be programmatically determined (eg. tables have table headers, form inputs use color and text for errors, checkboxes/radios have labels.) | Partial Support | #4103 - Date range calendar widget is not keyboard accessible (but manual date entry is supported.) #4084 - Sort menu missing semantic label on search. #4083, #4554 - Checkbox groups missing fieldset and legend on filters. #4078 - Unlabeled navigation roles present. #4452 - Revamp main landmark roles. |
1.3.2 | Meaningful Sequence | A | WCAG 2.0 | Keyboard navigation of a page follows the natural reading order. | Supports | |
1.3.3 | Sensory Characteristics | A | WCAG 2.0 | Using/understanding content does not rely on a singular sensory characteristic such as shape, size, visual location, orientation, or sound. | Partial Support |
#4116 - Search filter accordions do not indicate expanded / collapsed. #1127 - VoiceOver doesn't communicate autosuggest dropdown menu. |
1.3.4 | Orientation | AA | WCAG 2.1 | Content does not restrict its view and operation to a single display orientation, such as portrait or landscape, unless a specific display orientation is essential. | Supports | |
1.3.5 | Identify Input Purpose | AA | WCAG 2.1 | Form inputs should specify their type such as type=email and if auto-filled forms are supported, their autofill counterpart such as autocomplete="name”. | Supports | |
1.4.1 | Use of Color | A | WCAG 2.0 | Color is not used as the only visual means of conveying information. | Supports | Note: Link Underlines must be enabled in site-settings under interactions. |
1.4.10 | Reflow | AA | WCAG 2.1 | Content can be presented without loss of information or functionality and without requiring 2 scrollbars for a min vertical width of 320px or a min horizontal width of 256px. Single scrollbar in either orientations' parameters allowed. | Supports | |
1.4.11 | Non-Text Contrast | AA | WCAG 2.1 | Except in disabled states, visual interface elements used to identify context or display status must pass 3:1 color contrast ratio. | Supports | |
1.4.12 | AA | WCAG 2.1 | There should be no loss of content or functionality up to line-height (x1.5), post paragraph padding (x2), letter spacing (x0.16), word-spacing (x0.12) the base font. Multiline and single line truncation should not cut off critical information. |
Supports | ||
1.4.13 | AA | WCAG 2.1 | Tooltips need to be accessible. | Supports | ||
1.4.2 | Audio Control | A | WCAG 2.0 | Any audio that plays automatically for > 3 seconds, must have a way to pause, stop, or control volume independent of device system volume. | Not Applicable |
1.4.3 | Contrast (Minimum) | AA | WCAG 2.0 | Text and images of text shall pass color ratio of 4.5:1 for regular text and 3:1 for large text, except in decorative or hidden text, brand names/logos, or inactive elements. | Partial Support | #159420 - In edit mode, hidden collections fail contrast by opacity level. Social Media card embeds third-party apps that may not all pass color contrast. |
1.4.4 | Resize Text | AA | WCAG 2.0 | Except in video captions and images of text, user should be able to zoom 200% without loosing content or functionality. | Supports | |
1.4.5 | Images of Text | AA | WCAG 2.0 | Use real text unless the user can customize it; exception logos. | Supports | |
2.1.1 | A | WCAG 2.0 | All functionality of content is operable through keyboard interface. | Partial Support |
#86473 - Drag-and-drop layout builder not keyboard operable. |
2.1.2 | A | WCAG 2.0 | Modals/side-panels must have keyboard method (eg. button, esc key) to dismiss (eg. clicking outside modal to dismiss = bad.) Popovers and widgets should allow tabbing to proceed through them rather than locking focus. | Supports | ||
2.1.4 | A | WCAG 2.1 | If keyboard shortcuts using only letters/numbers/symbols/punctuation are implemented, must give user one of these options: 1) reset, 2) remap, 3) only applicable when component has focus. | Not Applicable | ||
2.2.1 | Timing Adjustable | A | WCAG 2.0 | If content sets time limit, user must have 1 of the following options: extend, adjust, or turn off time limit unless it invalidates activity or limit is > 20 hrs. | Supports | |
2.2.2 | Pause, Stop, Hide | A | WCAG 2.0 | For any moving, blinking or scroll information that that (1) starts automatically, (2) lasts more than five seconds, and (3) is presented inline AND for any auto-updating information that (1) starts automatically and (2) is presented inline, user must have means to pause, stop, or hide it unless it's essential. | Supports | |
2.3.1 | Three Flashes or Below Threshold | A | WCAG 2.0 | Page content does not contain anything that flashes/blinks more than three times per second. | Supports | |
2.4.1 | A | WCAG 2.0 | Use page headings and a minimum of one h1, aria-landmark roles, and have skip-navigation button on page. | Supports | ||
2.4.2 | A | WCAG 2.0 | Web pages have a metadata title that describes topic or purpose. Redundancy is not appreciated. | Supports | ||
2.4.3 | A | WCAG 2.0 | If navigation sequence affects meaning or operation (eg. charts), then focus order should preserve meaning. Otherwise, DOM order should match visual order. | Partial Support | #4108 - Sort on search does not indicate active selection via auditory cue. |
2.4.4 | A | WCAG 2.0 | Links text should indicate where it goes. If a repetitive action in a list view (eg. Delete) then aria-labelledby/describedby should be used to associate link to matching ID on heading/label/table-cell with unique name. Or link element can be positioned in paragraph element for context. | Partial Support | #1118 - In edit mode, groups manager remove buttons do not have unique identifier. |
2.4.5 | AA | WCAG 2.0 | User needs 2 methods from following: (1) site map, (2) search, or (3) navigation menu to be able to locate single webpage in a set of webpages (a site), except when that page is the result or a step in a process. | Supports | Note: Hub Site must have both Header for navigation and Global Nav for persistent search to pass. If Global Nav option is turned off, site author must implement second method themselves. |
2.4.6 | AA | WCAG 2.0 | Content should include headings and form inputs should contain labels. | Partially Supports | #4551 - Filters in NVDA read as blank. #4549 - Filter accordions should not use headings. #4553 - "I want to..." cards should not use h6. |
2.4.7 | Focus Visible | AA | WCAG 2.0 | If navigating by keyboard, user should always be aware of current keyboard focus. There should always be a visible state. | Partially Supports | #4547 - Focus and active state on tabs identical. |
2.5.1 | A | WCAG 2.1 | Don't assume someone can use two fingers to touch a screen. Pinch and zoom on map should also have (+) and (-) buttons or interactions that can be done through a single gesture. Horizontal swiping can be done through pager buttons. | Supports | ||
2.5.2 | A | WCAG 2.1 | For single pointer functionality, 1 of the following is true: (1) mousedown or touchstart down events do not execute any part of function, (2) completion of task occurs with mouseup or touchend up event, (3) up event performs task reversal, (4) down event completing task is considered essential. | Not Applicable | ||
2.5.3 | A | WCAG 2.1 | Checkboxes/radios have label to the right. Labels on form inputs, combo boxes, dropdown lists are left of the input or above and left-aligned. For symbolic text characters such as a B button representing bold text, there should be an accessible name in full form (eg. "bold") as an aria-label or alt. |
Supports | ||
2.5.4 | A | WCAG 2.1 | Functionality that can be performed by device action ("shaking a phone to clear form") is also available by single pointer method. | Not Applicable |
3.1.1 | Language of Page | A | WCAG 2.0 | Default language of page can be programmatically determined (include lang metadata.) | Supports | |
3.1.2 | Language of Parts | AA | WCAG 2.0 | If subsection of content is in another language, it can be programmatically determined (lang attribute). Exceptions: name, technical term, unknown language, or part of common vernacular in surrounding text. | Supports | Request has been made for Sites to include mixed language codes in data table, but this relies on that metadata existing in ArcGIS Portal (not yet available.) |
3.2.1 | A | WCAG 2.0 | When any component receives focus, it does not initiate a change of context. Avoid having links open in new tabs/windows without warning (icon/text/aria-label.) | Partial Support | #1054 - External link icon in search results missing label warning link opens in new tab. #1445 - Preview pane in layer picker needs focus management. |
3.2.2 | A | WCAG 2.0 | Form input controls do not initiate change of context unless user has been warned. Submit button should use type="submit" | Supports |
3.2.3 | AA | WCAG 2.0 | Navigation repeated on multiple webpages should occur in the same relative order each page, unless changed by the user. | Supports | ||
3.2.4 | AA | WCAG 2.0 | Components with the same functionality in a given website should be labelled consistently. | Supports | ||
3.3.1 | A | WCAG 2.0 | If an error is automatically detected, then the error should be described to the user in text and the text associated with the element/input field that caused the error. | Supports | ||
3.3.2 | A | WCAG 2.0 | Labels or instructions are provided when content requires user input. | Partial Support | #4103 - Date range calendar widget is not keyboard accessible (but manual date entry is supported.) #4084 - Sort menu missing semantic label on search. #4083, #4554 - Checkbox groups missing fieldset and legend on filters. |
3.3.3 | AA | WCAG 2.0 | If an input error is automatically detected and suggestions for correction are known, then the suggestions are provided to the user. Helpful error messages are good. | Supports | ||
3.3.4 | Error Prevention | AA | WCAG 2.0 | For user-controllable data, at least 1 is true: submissions can be deleted, data is checked for input errors and user has option to correct, or user can review submission, fix, and then submit. |
Supports | |
4.1.1 | A | WCAG 2.0 | Clean code. Close tags. Nest things semantically. Avoid duplicate IDs. | Supports | ||
4.1.2 | A | WCAG 2.0 | Name and role can be programmatically determined; states, properties, and values that can be set by the user can be programmatically set; and notification of changes to these items is available to user agents, including assistive technologies. All form inputs must have a programmatically associated label (which does not have to be visible.) | Partial Support | #166322 - Breadcrumb dropdown menus do not identify as menu role |
4.1.3 | AA | WCAG 2.1 | Status messages can be programmatically determined such that they can be presented to the user by assistive technologies without receiving focus. | Supports |